On view April 6th through May 11th, 2019- Corey Helford Gallery will be celebrating their Lucky 13th Anniversary. This will be the first part -of a two part celebration. Showcasing PT.1:“The Fine Art of Street and Graffiti”, the showcase will be presenting many well respected painters and muralist from many walks & walls of life.
I missed the opening reception of this amazing group exhibition, however I checked it out a few weeks later- I mean what better way to get a chance to photograph these pieces then with plenty of room & space. The exhibition was curated by Jan Corey Helford, Caro, and graffiti artist himself RISK.
The trio brought together many urban street artist to the fine art realm. The exhibition was like always beautifully organized, displaying many of my favorite artist. I photographed some of my favorite pieces from the exhibition below. Enjoy.
Artwork By: HUSH
Photographed Below- Artwork By: DFACE
From Top to Bottom: “Hook Line & Sinker” // “Love Locked”// “Hell On Wheels”//”Forever”
Photographed Below- “WE BELONG TOGETHER” By: DFACE
Artwork By: Pure Evil- “Red Dawn-Amerika”
(Stencil Spray Paint on Canvas).
Artwork By: Pure Evil- “True Blue-Amerika”
(Stencil Spray Paint on Canvas).
Artwork by: OG Abel “ABE” (Acrylic on Canvas).
Artwork by: Bisco Smith- “Caught On The Waves, Forward To Better Days, Evolution And Change, Hold Tight Maintain” (Acrylic & Pigment Paint On Canvas).
TOP/ Artwork by: Mauy-”Golden Headed Lion (King) Tamarin”.
BOTTOM/ Artwork By: Bio Tats Cru-”Hot Topic”.
Artwork by: Lauryn YS-”KIKI” (Acrylic on Panel).
Artwork by: Jillian Evelyn
From Left to Right: “Nurture”// “Going Through It” (Acrylic On Canvas).
FYI: First timer when it came to JE’s artwork in person. Completely fell in love!!
Artwork by: DEFER-”Relying On Intuition” (Acrylic On Canvas).
Artwork by: CES-”Cliffhanger” (Spray Paint On Canvas).
Artwork by: RISK
Alongside the main room of the Corey Helford Gallery- Gallery room #2, presented work by Australian Pop Art painter- Ben Frost, his solo exhibition was named PURE SUGAR. Ben explained “Sugar is something that we all know is bad for us- but we crave and desire it badly.”, Ben’s work consisted of about 70 new pieces. Ranging from acrylic & spray painted stencils on canvases to hand painted characters on packaging. Frost’s work shows a metaphoric statement using cartoon icons that many of us loved while growing up. Using these characters as a form of advertisement on packaging that instills subliminal messages to the public. With our society, especially in western culture rocketing at an alarming rate with deaths and diseases caused by indulgent of our processed foods to over-use of pharmaceutical drugs. I thought Ben Frost’s work was all provocative aiming questions and concerns to what has become an epidemic. Frost’s work was alarming and yet amazing to say the least. I simply loved everything he was trying to convey in this exhibition. I am in my mid 20’s, approaching my 30’s & unfortunately i’ve been to quit a few funerals. Deaths caused by overdoses and disease, so this definitely hit home for me. I think this exhibition definitely was one that raised emotion for me personally, and that I can respect from any artist using their platform to convey a message. I photographed a few of my favorite Ben Frost pieces below. Enjoy.
For more information and/or to view more of Ben Frost work. Visit his Instagram @benfrostisdead